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    Services Offered (21)
    Health Board (8)
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    • Sexual Health Clinics

      Dumfries & Galloway Sexual Health

      Services Offered

      • Contraception
      • Young People’s Clinic
      • Emergency Contraception
      • Free Condoms
      • GUM Clinic
      • Men Who Have Sex With Men
      • Pregnancy Testing
      • Psychosexual Service
      • Testing for HIV
      • Testing and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections
      • Unplanned Pregnancy Advice
    • Address

      Zone 14, Raigmore Hospital
      Old Perth Road
      IV2 3UJ

      Services Offered

      • Gender Identity
      • Hepatitis
      • Contraception
      • Young People’s Clinic
      • Emergency Contraception
      • Free Condoms
      • GUM Clinic
      • HIV Counselling
      • Men Who Have Sex With Men
      • Menopause
      • People Involved With Selling or Exchanging Sex
      • Pregnancy Testing
      • Sexual Assault or Rape
      • Termination of Pregnancy and Referral (TOPAR)
      • Testing for HIV
      • Testing and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections
      • Unplanned Pregnancy Advice
    • Sexual Health Clinics



      Campbeltown Grammar School
      Hutcheon Road
      PA28 6JS

      Services Offered

      • GUM Clinic
    • Sexual Health Clinics

      Sandyford Woodside Sexual Health

      Currently Closed


      891 Garscube Road
      G20 7ER

      Services Offered

      • Contraception
      • Young People’s Clinic
      • Emergency Contraception
      • Free Condoms
      • Family Planning
      • GUM Clinic
      • Pregnancy Testing
      • Testing and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Infections